This is the most popular garden in the world and
visitors come from all over to visit the famous
Hathaway garden where William Shakespeare wooed
Ann Hathaway long ago. Colors: 124 Stitch Count:
325W x 200H. To determine finished size divide the
stitch count by the count of the fabric you work
the design on. We originally published this design
in a leaflet format. When the printing sold out,
we changed the format so that each chart page is
printed separately so that nothing is printed on
the back side of a chart and they can be more
easily fit together. All of the charts and the
color key and instructions are in a zip lock bag
like a kit would be but without the fabric and
threads. So "chartpack"=package of charts and does
include the color key and back stitch key with DMC
thread numbers. The number of colors is 128..